Vocab: Autumn | Briathrachas: Am Foghar

*Gàidhlig gu h-ìosal*

There are lots of lovely things to see and look out for in the autumn, with so much change in nature and the beautiful, warm colours. Here’s a list of words you can learn so you’re able to describe your favourite autumnal sights in Gaelic too.

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Tha mòran sheallaidhean brèagha rim faicinn as an t-fhoghar, leis an urrad de dh’ atharrachadh a tha a’ tachairt ann an nàdar agus na dathan breagha, blàth. Seo agad liosta faclan as urrainn dhut ionnsachadh gus a bhith comasach cunntas a thoirt air na seallaidhean fogharach as fheàrr leat sa Ghàidhlig.

Vocab list of Autumnal Gaelic words - text version is available below.

Autumnal Gaelic Words | Faclan Fogharach

(the) Autumn | (am) Foghar

Autumnal | Fogharach

Bonfire | Braidseal

Brown | Donn

(act of) Carving | Snaigheadh

Change | Atharrachadh

Costume | Èideadh

Firework(s) | Cleas(an)-teine

Ghost | Taibhs

Halloween | Oidhche Shamhna

Harvest | Buain

Hay | Saoidhe

Hibernation | Cadal-geamhraidh

Jack-o-lantern | Boitean-mearbhaill

Leaf(-ves)  | Duilleag(an)

Monster | Uilebheist

November | an t-Samhain

October | an Dàmhair

Orange (colour) | Orainds

Pumkin | Peapag

Rain | Uisge

Red | Ruadh

Scary | Eagalach

September | an t-Sultain

Spooky | Rògach

Trees | Craobhan

Turnip | Snèip

Wet | Fliuch

Windy | Gaothach

Witch | Bana-bhuidseach


Head back to our Gaelic landing page for more vocab lists and Gaelic information.

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Thèid air ais chun duilleag Gàidhlig againn gus tuilleadh liostaichean briathrachais agus fiosrachadh Gàidhlig a lorg.

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