Vocab: Technology | Briathrachais: Teicneòlas

Here are some common Gaelic words relating to the technologies we use every day.

Seo agad a Ghàidhlig airson faclan teicneòlas cumanta.

Infographic listing English technology words alphabetically in a vertical list on the left, with their Gaelic translations opposite them on the right hand side. Text list below;

Vocab: Technology | Briathrachais: Teicneòlas

Account | Cunntas

Application | Aplacaid

Attachment | Ceanglachan 

Browser | Brabhsair

Camera | Camara

Click | Briog

Code | Còd

Computer | Computair

Cookie | Briosgaid 

Copy | Leathbhreac

Cursor | Cùrsair

Data | Dàta

Database | Stòr-Dàta 

Digital | Didseatach

Download | Luchdadh a-Nuas

Email | Post-D

Encryption | Crioptachadh

Firewall | Cahaileith-theine

Hard Drive | Clàr-Cruaidh

Hardware | Bathar-Cruaidh

Home Button | Putan-Dhachaigh

Instant Messaging | Grad-Theachdaireachd

Internet | Edar-Lìon

Keyboard | Clàr-Iuchrach

Link | Ceangal-Lìn

Lock Screen | Sgrìn-Ghlasaidh

Log In | Clàraich A-Steach

Media | Na Meadhanan

Memory Card | Cairt-Cuimhne

Mobile Phone | Fòn-Làimhe

Monitor | Sealladair

Mouse | Luch

Password | Facail-Faire

Paste | Cur ann

Power Button | Putan-Cumhachd

Program | Prògram

Save | Sàbhail

Scan | Sgana

Search Engine | Einnsean-Luirg

Selfie | Fèineag

Social Media | Meadhanan-Sòisealta

Software | Bathar-Bog

Technology | Teicneòlas

Telephone | Fòn

Television (TV) | Telebhisean (T.Bh)

Touch Screen | Sgìn-Suathaidh

Upload | Luchdadh Suas

Username | Ainm-Cleachdaidh

Video | Bhideo

Viral | Bìorasach

Virus | Bìoras

Volume Button | Putan-Fuaime

Website | Làrach-Lìn

World Wide Web (www.) | Lìon na Cruinne (www.)

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